For those looking to shed pounds, dodging dairy fat may be bad for your waistline. Fat is having a heyday. For decades, the standard recommendation within the nutrition community has been to avoid fat...
Only 1,631 farms left, but it was still the 22nd yearly decline in a row. "Get out while the getting is good" saw 1,631 U.S. dairies leave the industry in 2014. According to data released earlier this...
Raising dairy steers can be a profitable venture, but consider how it will impact the rest of your operation before jumping in headfirst. Beef prices are exceptionally high. Beef cattle numbers are near...
Drought, less acreage, and rising global demand are reasons why. Droughts in the West and rising demand around the world are increasing the price of hay and other forages for U.S. milk producers. And...
There were some surprises in who signed up for the Dairy Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy), according to figures announced recently by USDA. The biggest surprise is who didn't sign up: almost half...
Strong production by most major dairy exporting nations during the second half of 2014 collided with weakening economies in much of the world to swamp global markets, cut demand, and trigger the rapid...
Empire State has won nearly one-third of all national contests. After a second place finish in last year's contest, New York 4-H came back in full force in 2014. Not only did they win the team portion...
First seek to understand, then act on the new farm bill's new dairy component. The recent Farm Bill eliminates the Milk Income Loss Contract (MILC) and replaces it with a Margin Protection Program (MPP-Dairy)....
Americans are drinking less fluid milk, but their taste for dairy is not waning. In fact, USDA data released last month shows that per capita consumption of dairy products has climbed from 539 pounds in...
Ryan Ebert has been the Art Director at Hoard's Dairyman for the past 7 years. His main responsibility is layout and design of the magazine but his capabilities and duties go far beyond that to photography,...
A Canadian aged cow was named Grand Champion of the International Holstein show. By Abby Bauer, Hoard's Dairyman Associate Editor For the second time in three years, RF Goldwyn Hailey was chosen as the...
Holstein and Jerseys flip flop for Supreme. In the Junior Supreme Champion ceremony, the seven breed champions paraded under the spotlight in front of a packed Coliseum crowd. The bright lights stopped...
Welcome to Hoard's @ Expo! The staff at Hoard's Dairyman has prepared this section just for youwith pre-show stories, schedules, history, photos and our Hoard's @ Expo blog. We'll be posting new content...
Hoard's at Expo Photo Galleries 2014 10.1.2014 Views from World Dairy Expo – Tuesday 10.2.2014 Views from World Dairy Expo - Wednesday 10.3.2014 Views from World Dairy Expo - Thursday 10.4.2014 Views...
Ryan Ebert has been the Art Director at Hoard's Dairyman for the past 7 years. His main responsibility is layout and design of the magazine but his capabilities and duties go far beyond that to photography,...
Cassy Krull talks about the World Dairy Expo experience. The Merle Howard Award was presented for the 10th time last year. The winner, Cassy Krull of Wisconsin took some time from her very busy Expo schedule...
Gilbert Teixeira, Turlock, Calif., was named the 73rd winner of the Klussendorf Trophy, the highest recognition given to a dairy cattle showman in the United States. The award is in memory of Arthur B....
Ryan Ebert has been the Art Director at Hoard's Dairyman for the past 7 years. His main responsibility is layout and design of the magazine but his capabilities and duties go far beyond that to photography,...
The dairy industry honors its leaders. The National Dairy Shrine annual banquet will be held at World Dairy Expo on Thursday, October 2, after a year hiatus when the banquet was held in Harrisburg last...